Worlds Largest Paper clip

World’s Largest Paper Clip and its origin

Kipling is the home of the "World's Largest Paper Clip," which holds the Guinness World Record (tm). The paperclip, which weighs 3043 lbs, was unveiled on July 12, 2007. It stands 15 feet 2 inches tall, 3 feet 3 inches broad, and 45 feet 6.75

Kyle MacDonald

Paper clip to a house!

Kyle MacDonald, a Canadian, was toying with a red paperclip in his home office one day in July 2005. He made the decision to pick up a game from his childhood and see if he could trade up for the clip. "To build a home.

Paper clip history

Clippy – A useful little tool

An interactive animated figure that interacted with the Office assistance materials served as the Office Assistant, a defunct intelligent UI for Microsoft Office. This critical part of our childhood was also a monumental part in paper clip history. It was integrated into Microsoft Publisher and Microsoft

Paper Clip Ideas

Paper clip ideas that made it to Guinness World Record

There are only a handful of things you can do with paper clips that ensure a world record. We are confident you must have never even imagined that there are world records that came out of an idle mind scavenging for paper clip ideas. People

Paper Clip DIY

Gather around, bookworms, we have a few paper clip DIYs for you

If you have never done any bookbinding or hand stitching before, I understand how frightening it might be. This easy paper clip method allows you to tie notebooks together fast and without using a single stitch. Never before has bookbinding been so simple! For this

Paper clip ideas

Adam Hillman’s Unique Paper Clip Ideas

Anyone who is interested in art should be encouraged to replicate famous works of art. The notion is that by analyzing and duplicating these pieces, we will learn more about not just the art itself, but also about the artist and possibly absorb some of

Paper clip sculptures

Intricate Paper Sculptures by Pietro D’Angelo

Anyone who has an office, either official or home, or has a penchant for project planning has a drawer at home stocked with boxes upon cases of paper clips. Both have several applications around the house, ranging from constructing wine glass markings to clamping wires. The possibilities for

Paperclip history

Paper clips found on the pages of history

Adolf Hitler realized in April 1940, only a few weeks into World War II, a notable event in World History - as well as paperclip history, that he needed a strategy to break through the Allied stranglehold of Germany if he was to win the war. He focused

Uses of a paper clip

Fun little bits about paper clips you never knew!

Paperclips may be used for everything from a practical business utility to a bored child's pastime. Unsurprisingly, they are so common in offices and desks everywhere. Knowing a bit more about the origin and applicability of paper clips over recent history should help explain why

paper clip inventor

How Paper Clips came to be?

Paper fastening is mentioned in historical sources as far back as the thirteenth century. At this point, individuals began threading ribbons through parallel cuts in the top left corner of the sheets. Later, individuals began waxing the ribbons to strengthen them and make them simpler