Crafty ideas for exciting little trinkets and tools

The problem of having quite so many office supplies can be resolved on your own, though! Check out these fantastic suggestions for paper clip crafts. The projects you can make with things you already own are sometimes the best! If you are anything like us, you may find the majority of these readily available items at the workplace, most often in large amounts. Different paper clip types are without a doubt the item we tend to hoard the most. If you do not have the correct interests to fight it and occupy time, killing boredom is an arduous chore. Paper clip art is the ideal medium for creating enjoyable things if you love doing so. With the variety of paper clip types at your disposal, you may create many items that you can give as presents or use as decor in your house. Making something out of paper clips shall undoubtedly allow you to experience that emotion, which is unmatched by any other feeling. In light of that, here are some fun things you can do if you have an abundance of paper clips. Here are several different ideas for you to utilize all the kinds of paper clip types at your disposal to create something adorable!
  1. Force Probe If you are one of the few individuals who do not already have a force probe, you can create one with a rubber band, a few straws, and a few varied paper clip types. The main concept is to use a rubber band to quantify the force. If you are a physics nerd, you have to give this a try!
  2. Mini-hangers Do you own a dollhouse? Do you want mini-hangers for your dolls or figurines? It is okay if you do not have one, though, try this idea out anyway and feel like a giant when you hold that hanger in your hand made from our paper clips! All you need to do is pull apart the paper clip, cut a little piece off the end and you will have a mini hanger on your hands!
  3. Paper Clip Dodecahedron You never would have thought that such a large ball could be constructed from such little clips. But hey, building a paper clips Dodecahedron is not easy. There are 120 clips needed, and it is interesting to note that none of them need glue or solder to sustain one another. Make this dodecahedron as soon as possible and see if it inspires the Michelangelo in you.
  4. Heart Paper Clip This one is for all of you voracious readers. These heart-shaped page markers will make it simple for you to pick up where you left off if you enjoy reading endlessly but find it difficult to recall where you were when you last finished a book. Making these is really easy; all you have to do is separate the paper clip’s ends to form a gorgeous heart shape. These adorable little presents are in the form of these heart-shaped markers.
  5. Fix a Broken Zipper Treacherous zips on your bags can leave your side anytime and unexpectedly, so have a few different paper clip types on you at all times. You never know when that zipper comes right off your bag and leave you stranded trying to make do with an unanticipated situation. You may just remain composed and temporarily mend your zipper with a paper clip if it breaks in an unexpected circumstance.
  6. SIM Tray Pin
You no longer have to worry about keeping all the accessories secure that come with your brand-new phone. We have an amazing crafty idea for an alternative to the SIM Tray Pin which all of us have lost more times than we have found them. Unbend our variety of paper clip types and use its end to eject the SIM Tray instead of rummaging through your drawers to find the one that came with your box! Do try some of these ideas, if not all, and let us know how useful and intriguing the entire process was for you!

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